Cripple Bastards – “Senza Impronte” 7″


get it here:

Scarey Store

release date:

May 2012


Giulio the Bastard – vocals
Schintu the Wretched – bass
Der Kommissar – guitar
Al Mazzotti – drums
Label: Relapse Records


  • 1. Regime Artificiale
  • 2. Agony Of A Reformed Band
  • 3. Senza Impronte
  • 4. Mondo Plastico
  • 5. Soggetto Leucemico
  • 10 Passi Falsi
  • 6. Fattore Discriminante
  • 7. L’Uomo Interruttore
  • 8. Simboli Di Un Contesto Stilizzato
  • 9. Passi Falsi
  • 10. Districato
  • 11. Psicosi Regressiva
  • 12. Traccia Annullata
  • 13. Disinteresse Generale
  • 14. Prove Di Linciaggio
  • 15. Educazione Lager

CB’s 2012 ep on Relapse Records, to introduce their full length that will follow soon. 15 bursts of rapid-fire sniperistic Grindcore filled with hate and sociopathic malevolence. Having to deal with a short length release, CB concentrated all their speed, rage and schizophrenic intensity on a napalm shower of blast beats, manic fast riffs and a huge range of vocals changing over and over. Here’s how the RELAPSE team introduced the EP: “these Italian Grind demons spit some of their fastest, most aggressive and fucking PISSED OFF material ever on this brand new 7”. Senza impronte = total Grindcore legends writing legendary Grindcore…”


nei tuoi distacchi sconfina la morale
scorre a toni sommessi su un linguaggio neutrale
quel che hai da offrirmi – il profilo di un perdente
che galleggia a rilento nella sua pozza di niente..

Negli interni concentrici di un tessuto sempre uguale
sensazioni intermittenti da regime artificiale,
in quell’ottica da prostrato che appiattisce la gente
corsie parallele per chi annuisce e non sente
residui di sclerosi, omologati
annientarsi sempre senza un perché.

Nel completare i tuoi intrattenimenti
mi immergo tra le schiere del terziario più scadente
e assumo un contegno formale per capire in fondo com’è
provo a fingermi depresso per simulare chi dentro non c’è
a darmi un’aria intimista per sentirmi parte di te..
anche se non ho  bisogno di ricordi da immagazzinare
sfoghi blandi altrui, frasi fatte da contemplare.

Costruiti per l’assenza, per i “va bene così – è andata”
per transitare senza guardarsi intorno
per annientarsi sempre senza un perché (x2)
..mentre brucio gli anni proiettato verso la mancanza di attenzioni
per assicurarmi una camera mortuaria estranea a convenevoli,
occhiate sterili, riguardi per clima e giochi di luce.
Brucio gli anni per poter essere depositato.

Nei tuoi distacchi sconfina la morale
scorre a toni sommessi su un linguaggio neutrale
derivato ancestrale di famiglie sottomesse
che proliferano senza un perché…


your detachment leaking morality
flowing in subdued tones along a neutral language
what you can offer me – a loser’s silhouette
floating slowly in its pool of nothing …

In concentric innards of monotonous fabric
intermittent sensations of artificial methods,
in prostrated perspectives that crush people
parallel lanes of nodders who feel no
sclerosis residues, true to type
self-annihilation always without motive.

To keep you entertained
I sink into the ranks of the most cheapskate tertiary
I put on my formal mask to understand how it really is
I try pretence depression to mimic who is empty inside
put on that understanding air to feel as if I’m part of you…
even if I don’t need any memories to store
other people’s bland outpourings, clichés to watch over.

Erected by absence, “that’s fine – it’s done now”
and pass through without looking around
self-annihilation always with no good reason
self-annihilation always with no good reason
… while I trash the years aiming off the radar

to be sure I get no ceremony in my death chamber,
sterile eyes, regard for climate and playing light.
I cremate the years so I can be put into storage.

Your detachment leaking morality
flowing in subdued tones along a neutral language
ancestral derivate of subdued families
that proliferate without reason…

Thrilled to see your current quotation
bottled corpse paid to unleash the last weak breath
and I wonder how much would they pay
to get you up on those crutches and push your ass back on stage

Prostitution – extended play
a minor walk-on for another marketing scale
one day you were preaching to noncoform
today you’re a bitch bribed to perform

You were gone for fucking ages
but now who really cares about your worsening state
how long did you break up to increase your ratings
queued on a wishlist of “bands that should reunite”

Prostitution – extended play
a minor walk-on for another marketing scale
one they you were preaching to noncoform
today you’re back strongly tied to a norm

Slower, embarassing and grey
you’ve gained your role in the history of shit

Dumb tasteless audience forcing this farce on demand
creating a platform for displaying their lack of taste
muddling the spirit that forged your glory days,
recycling your past for some quick easy cash

Empty years feed a common sense of nostalgic void
instincts sunk forever since decades,
lamely absorbed by global trends,
anesthetized by mainstream schemes
showing how deep we can be silenced and screwed
entertained by resurrected crap.

inchiodati dal cancro di 30 anni fa
ostinati a difendere fotogrammi anneriti
su una linea divisoria che trattiene la notte.
Senza trama, corridoi deserti
troncando ogni comunicazione
resti razziati di feste altrui
rappresi tra gli ultimi condotti abbandonati.

Neve eterna senza impronte
contro molteplici strati di falsità
il sacro richiamo della violenza
estirpato alla tua identità

dal fascino stabile della collettività

Garantiscono i capisaldi per strutture normali
riasfaltando simboli di un mondo da evitare
rimpiazzando i quartieri dove andavano a farsi

Non saremo mai avversari alla pari
il tuo istinto territoriale è atrofizzato
senza trama verso scorci semichiusi
servo di farmaci somministrati a caso.

Neve eterna senza impronte
contro molteplici strati di falsità
il sacro richiamo della violenza
estirpato alla tua identità

dal fascino stabile della collettività


nailed by the cancer of 30 years past
stubbornly defending blackened stills
along a boundary holding back the night.
Without a plot, deserted corridors
cut off all communication
plundered remains of another’s feasts
congealed among the last abandoned conduits.

Eternal snow without footprints
against layered falseness
the sacred seduction of violence
uprooted from your identity

by the stable attraction of collectivity

Cornerstones give guarantee of normal structures
coating more tarmac on symbols of a world to avoid
replacing neighbourhoods where they went to shoot up

We will never be equal opponents
your territorial instinct is atrophied
without a plot for half-shut glimpses
slave to casually administered drugs.

Eternal snow without footprints
against layered falseness
the sacred seduction of violence
uprooted from your identity

by the stable attraction of collectivity

(lyrics written in 1997 and originally pubished
on CB’s split EP with I.R.F., MCR Company)

Ready-made world /
flashy colours suiting your scent of well-bred type,
exhibition object in a kaleidoscopic outlook /
ready-made in a drama school promising
“certain, full resolution of your problems related
to shyness and insecurity, with undisputed advantage
in public relations” / advantage, advantage over the others,
more cunts to screw – more fools to rob. /
Drug me with your amusing talks,
sodomize me with attractive smiles /
Here’s the easy prey – a wretch left out of the feast. /

Ready-made world, ready-made world
all over things we can’t afford… we can’t afford. /
– we can’t afford to be happy, to trust, share, tolerate /
– we can’t afford to be fair… money prevents, money determines /
– we can’t afford not to grow up frustrated…
just think about medias, “education”… multitude of brains infatuated with lies /
– we can’t afford to be ourselves,
desperately insensitive (1)
spontaneity died away (3)
tastes became insipid (2)

Ready-made world – invisible needles pierced into optic nerves.
No doubt on what to choose, everything fits your taste… /
Tourists channelled through clean shiny avenues, expecting to see the best,
to waste money and life leaving piles of shit on their backs /
..and when everything fits, cash flows – hectic. /
The impeccable efficiency of a civilised nation
seasoning millions of dishes with cancer,
exploiting those you’ll never know,
concealing misery like dust under carpet,
banishing anything a “normal” may rate ugly or unpleasant. /

Outside the toyland winter is perpetual,
children’s lips freeze in depression and solitude. /
Ancient tears run down through wrinkles of apathy,
then soak into deserted quarters reflect cathodic plagues. /
Melody is wiped out by cacophonous screeches,
blowing like a sick wind – unnaturally loud. /
Detachment increases, compassion rots away in perdition.
Exasperated… urge to find an unconscious prey.

this reality – parade of degradation
this society – endless procession of abortions

Globuli radicati nella loro ostilità
muoiono con la costanza di chi soffre a blocchi.
Refrattario – alla pressione sociale
Negativo – a ogni diagramma impersonale
Assuefatto – ad ambizioni represse
In metastasi – dentro il culto del degrado


Blood cells rooted in their hostility
die with the steadiness of suffering in units.
Recalcitrant – to social pressure
Negative – to every impersonal diagram
Addicted – to repressed ambitions
In metastasis – inside the worship of degradation

Anche un respiro ha i suoi vincoli


Even a single breath has its bonds

aggrappato a stralci di vissuto
spacciava imitazioni di sè stesso


clinging to excerpts of past life
selling fakes of his own self

Controsoffittature + amianto


False ceilings + asbestos

condensati su pavimenti in lastra


condensing on paving slabs

..all’ultimo tentativo
L’attesa insostituibile di chi sogna sull’incalzare di un suono nemico


… at the last attempt
the dreamer waits uniquely at the advancing enemy sound.

Ti pagano per essere profonda


You get paid for being profound

ti riaffermi, appannato dal tempo


Faded by time, you restore yourself

alimentando gerarchie da formicaio


to feed the anthill hierarchies

in faccia a giorni irreparabilmente perduti


standing before days so irreparably lost

Sottopassaggi della tua disgregazione


The underpasses of your disintegration