Next live shows “Misantropo centered”

cblivCRIPPLE BASTARDS are currently promoting FOAD’s reissue of “Misantropo a senso unico” (2000) with a string of shows all centered on that album.

Here’s the dates confirmed so far. The set includes most songs on “Misantropo a senso unico” and won’t be seen again after this, so don’t miss the chance!

31/10/2013 – Piacenza // “Sound Bonico”
1/11/2013 – Pescara // “Tipografia”
29/11/2013 – Roma // “Traffic”
30/11/2013 – Prato // “Controsenso”
21/12/2013 – Leini’ (To) // “Nightbreaker (White Lion)”

Brazilian tour, Italia Di Merda live

CRIPPLE BASTARDS – Tour do Brasil, Abril 2012

18 de ABRIL – SÃO CAETANO DO SUL, SP @ Cidadão do Mundo
19 de ABRIL – BRAGANÇA PAULISTA, SP @ Quadra da Escola de Samba 9 de Julho
20 de ABRIL – SÃO PAULO, SP @ Hangar 110
21 de ABRIL – RECIFE, PE @ Abril Pro Rock Festival
22 de ABRIL – RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ Planet Music

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Rescued from dust!! CB tapes sold out for ages


Rescued from dust!! FOAD Records will bring back to light an incredible series of tapes that have been sold out for ages. We are starting with one of the rarest tapes in the extensive Cripple Bastards‘ 90s demography.

“Negativity to scan your mind” was originally released as a promo tape and shipped to less than 100 labels and zines around those years, becoming a really sought after eardestroyer. This new edition is a scrupulous replica dubbed from the master used for the original version and served in a fluo orange cassette with sticker. Fold-out cover just like the old one. 44 SONG MONSTRUOUS FAST AND AGGRESSIVE GRIND/HATECORE NIHILISM AT THE ROOTS OF ITS ANTI-EVERYTHING EXPRESSION.

Order On Scarey Store @ Official CB Merch
